- Home
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- Column 2
- Opening hoursMon. to Fri.: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. / Sat. and Sun.: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.Where we arePiazza della SS. Annunziata, 13, 50121
- The Bottega dei ragazzi
- Caffè del Verone
- Conference Spaces
- Contacts
The Children’s Workshop offers museum and architecture education workshops for preschool, primary, and secondary schools.
The cost of each individual workshop module is 5 euros per student and admission is free for accompanying persons.
For information: labottegadeiragazzi@istitutodeglinnocenti.it
Detectives at the Museum
A game for real detectives
An emotional journey in the mirror
Pleasure, we are the primary colors
How does color come into being and how is it created?
Homes of the world
Multiculturalism as an enrichment of the social fabric
Detectives at the Museum
A game for real detectives
An emotional journey in the mirror
Pleasure, we are the primary colors
How does color come into being and how is it created?
The putto in swaddling clothes
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Agatha Smeralda...it was February 5, 1445
Equal but different
A hymn to inclusiveness and welcome
Together we will go far
Solidarity as a social obligation
Homes of the world
Multiculturalism as an enrichment of the social fabric
The archive is me
A journey to discover our personal archives
Boy things and girl things?
A workshop to break down stereotypes
A participatory design for the city of our dreams
Boy things and girl things?
A workshop to break down stereotypes
Design it yourself!
How do you think about and create an educational workshop for a museum?
A participatory design for the city of our dreams
Goal 17 and the 2030 Agenda
The most interesting voice is yours!
A game for real detectives
Preschool teachers + classes 4 and 5 years old
Elementary School teachers + classes
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado insegnanti + classi
An emotional journey in the mirror
Preschool teachers + classes 4 and 5 years old
Elementary School teachers + classes
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado insegnanti + classi
How does color arise and how is it created?
Preschool teachers + classes 4 and 5 years old
Elementary School teachers + classes
High School teachers + classes
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Agata Smeralda...it was February 5, 1445
Elementary School teachers + classes
High School teachers + classes
An ode to inclusiveness and welcome
Elementary School teachers + classes
Solidarity as a social obligation
Elementary School teachers + classes
Multiculturalism as an enrichment of the social fabric
Preschool teachers + classes 4 and 5 years old
Elementary School teachers + classes
A journey of discovery of our personal archives
Middle School teachers + classes
A workshop to break down stereotypes
Middle School teachers + classes
High School teachers + classes
How do you think about and create an educational laboratory for a museum?
High School teachers + classes
Participatory planning for the city of our dreams
Middle School teachers + classes
High School teachers + classes
The most interesting voice is yours!
Questo itinerario racconta la storia di Firenze tra Duecento e Trecento, periodo nel quale la città pullulava di artigiani, mercanti e affaristi che, riuniti in corporazioni, resero la città ricca e prosperosa. Firenze aveva una struttura architettonica, economica e politica tanto particolare da poter essere oggi definita la “New York” del tardo Medioevo. Proprio in quegli anni, mentre Arnolfo progettava gli edifici pubblici e le mura della città del giglio, Dante inventava un nuovo modo di raccontarla e Giotto rivoluzionava il modo di rappresentarla in pittura.
Museo degli Innocenti © 2023. All Rights Reserved
Team Redazione / Comunicazione ThePlusPlanet By Cristoforo SC: Dott.ssa Stefania Cottiglia
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