Mon. to Sun.: 09:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.


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Discover the Museum
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The Institute and its Museum

The loggia of the former Ospedale degli Innocenti overlooks the beautiful Piazza delle Santissima Annunziata in the heart of the historic centre of Florence.

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The construction of the Factory

Through a virtual reconstruction, it is possible to view the various phases of the construction of the Hospital from 1419 to the end of the last century.

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The birth of the Innocenti

The historical section of the Museum tells the story of the foundation of the ancient Spedale degli Innocenti through works of art, religious objects and archive documents.

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The casket of the Historical Archive

The Signals Room is the heart of the historical section of the museum and allows us to immerse ourselves in the stories of the many children left behind in the great house of the Innocenti.

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The Renaissance courtyards

Together with the entrance loggia, the two Renaissance courtyards form the architectural section of the Museum and have always been the heart of the institution.

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The jewels of the art gallery

Since its foundation, countless works of art have been collected by the Hospital for the ornamentation, value and functionality of the Institution.

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In the room dedicated to the altarpieces, we find three large works created at various stages of the 15th century for the altars of the church of Santa Maria degli Innocenti.

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The Institute between past and present

In the Immersive Chamber, visitors can listen to the history of the Hospital narrated by Filippo Brunelleschi and a girl from our own time.

Bailiffs and Mothers: slaves and their children in 15th century Florence

Since 1445 the Spedale degli Innocenti has taken in abandoned boys and girls, among whom few people know that there were also the children of black and oriental slaves, bought to be destined for domestic work and the role of wet nurses.

The Church of the Innocenti returns to its original splendour

The ancient Church of the Innocenti and its history in a three-dimensional video that describes the artistic and architectural transformations that have taken place over the centuries, restoring its original appearance, even if only virtually.

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Fragments of the Commedia in the Archives of the Innocenti

Video presentation of the exhibition “An Unexpected Legacy. I frammenti della Commedia nell’Archivio degli Innocenti”, realised thanks to the synergy between the Museo degli Innocenti and the Historical Archive of the Innocenti.

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The recognition signs of the Ospedale degli Innocenti

The Museo degli Innocenti recounts the children’s recognition signs, those small objects that, worn on arrival at the historic hospital, were necessary for their future recognition by their families.

Museo degli Innocenti © 2023. All Rights Reserved
Team Redazione / Comunicazione ThePlusPlanet By Cristoforo SC:  Dott.ssa  Stefania Cottiglia

Designed by Sinaptic

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